Privacy policy | Kancelaria Oleś Rysz Sarkowicz

Privacy policy

Information on the processing of personal data

This information concerns the processing by Kancelaria Radców Prawnych Oleś, Rysz, Sarkowicz sp.k. with its registered office in Kraków of personal data of the following categories of persons:

  • clients who are natural persons, agents and representatives of clients, other persons designated to be contacted in connection with the service of the Law Firm’s clients,
  • data subjects whose data are processed in connection with the Law Firm’s handling of client matters,
  • suppliers of products and services to the Law Firm, persons acting on their behalf, and other persons designated to contact the Law Firm,
  • other persons who cooperate with the Law Firm in connection with the provision of legal services,
  • candidates in the recruitment process,
  • former employees and contractors.

In fulfilment of the obligations under Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (“RODO”),  we hereby wish to provide the following information about the processing of personal data:

1. Personal Data Controller

The Controller of your personal data is Kancelaria Radców Prawnych Oleś, Rysz, Sarkowicz sp. k. with its registered office in Kraków, ul. Wadowicka 3c, (“Controller” or “Law Firm”). Contact details: phone: +48 12 4314325, +48 12 4280630, fax: +48 12 4314327, e-mail:

2. Purpose of data processing and legal basis

The purpose of processing your personal data is to establish or maintain a relationship in connection with the activities carried out by the Controller, i.e. the provision of legal services. The specific purposes and legal bases for the processing of personal data of each category of persons are set out below.

  • personal data of the Law Firm’s clients, persons acting on behalf of the Law Firm’s clients and other persons indicated for contact in connection with the Law Firm’s client services

The purpose of processing your personal data is to provide a service to the Law Firm’s client, and the legal basis for this processing may be your consent (Article 6(1)(a) RODO), the necessity to perform a contract or to take action prior to concluding a contract (Article 6(1)(b) RODO), the necessity to fulfil legal obligations (Article 6(1)(c) RODO), including those arising from legal and administrative proceedings, accounting, taxation and data and document archiving regulations, as well as the Law Firm’s legitimate interest (Article 6(1)(f) RODO), including the maintenance of relationships and business communications and possibly the investigation and defence of claims.

  • personal data of data subjects whose data is processed in connection with the handling of client matters by the Law Firm

The purpose of processing your personal data is to provide a service to the Law Firm’s client, and the legal basis for this processing may be your consent (Article 6(1)(a) RODO), the necessity to fulfil legal obligations (Article 6(1)(c) RODO), including those arising from regulations on judicial and administrative proceedings and the archiving of data and documents. as well as the Law Firm’s legitimate interest (Article 6(1)(f) of RODO), including the performance of certain activities in judicial or extra-judicial proceedings in connection with the provision of legal services to the client, business communication, and possibly the investigation and defence against claims.

  • personal data of suppliers of products and services to the Law Firm, persons acting on their behalf, and other persons indicated to contact the Law Firm

The purpose of processing your personal data is to carry out the Law Firm’s orders, and the legal basis for this processing is the necessity to perform the contract or to take action prior to the conclusion of the contract (Article 6(1)(b) RODO), the necessity to fulfil legal obligations (Article 6(1)(c) RODO), including those arising from accounting, tax and data and document archiving legislation, as well as the Law Firm’s legitimate interests (Article 6(1)(f) RODO), including maintaining relationships and business communications, order analytics and possibly the investigation and defence of claims.

  • personal data of other persons cooperating with the Law Firm in connection with the provision of legal services

The purpose of processing your personal data is to cooperate in connection with the provision of services to the Law Firm’s clients, and the legal basis for this processing is the Law Firm’s legitimate interest (Article 6(1)(f) RODO), including the Law Firm’s customer service, relationship maintenance and business communication.

  • personal data of candidates in the recruitment process

The purpose of processing your personal data is to assess your qualifications for a specific position, including the assessment of your abilities and skills as part of the ongoing recruitment process. The legal basis for the processing of your personal data is a provision of law (Article 6(1)(c) RODO) – Article 221 (1) of the Labour and Employment Code and the necessity to conclude a contract of employment (Article 6(1)b) RODO) – within the scope of the following data: first and last name; first names of parents; date of birth; place of residence (address for correspondence); education; course of previous employment, your consent (Article 6(1)(a) RODO) for the processing of data provided in your CV and cover letter, as regards data other than those listed above, as well as the Law Firm’s legitimate interest (Article 6(1)(f) RODO), which is necessary to assess the suitability of the candidate for the position in question and to select the candidate – as regards the data collected during the interview and the results of the qualification tests.

  • personal data of former employees and associates of the Law Firm

The purpose of processing your personal data is to fulfil the legal obligations incumbent on the Law Firm with regard to archiving your data and the documents containing them (Article 6(1)(c) RODO) resulting in particular from the Labour and Employment Code, the Act on the social insurance system, the Act on pensions from the Social Insurance Fund, the Act on accounting and the Act on the national archival resource and archives. Your personal data is also processed for the purposes of the Law Firm’s legitimate interests (Article 6(1)(f) RODO), which the controller considers to be, in particular, the assertion and defence of claims.

3. Categories of personal data

(applies to data obtained not directly from the data subject)

In particular, the controller processes the following categories of data: identification data, contact data, data on the professional position, data on the entity represented and the relationship with it, and other data provided by the client necessary for the provision of legal services and the maintenance of professional relationships, data on commitments, transactional data.

4. Personal data recipients

Your data may be shared with the following categories of recipients:

  • entities and bodies to which the Controller owes a duty or is authorised to disclose personal data on the basis of generally applicable laws, including entities and bodies entitled to receive personal data from the Controller or entitled to request access to personal data on the basis of generally applicable laws,
  • entities providing services to the Controller, including accounting services, IT services including IT systems and solutions providers,
  • other entities entrusted by the Controller with the performance of activities related to its operations,
  • entities to which your personal data is disclosed on the basis of your consent.

5. Transfer of personal data to a third country

Your personal data may be transferred outside the European Economic Area within the framework of the Controller’s use of entities providing IT solutions and systems, which may store personal data on servers located outside this area (including the United States) or within the framework of the Controller’s performance of legal services to the extent necessary for the performance of the service. Such transfer may be based on a decision of the European Commission declaring an adequate level of protection or the application of appropriate legal safeguards, which are in particular standard contractual clauses for the protection of personal data approved by the European Commission. If the European Commission does not issue any relevant decision and adequate safeguards are not provided, your personal data may be transferred to a third country on the basis of one of the grounds listed in Article 49(1) RODO, including in particular your express consent. You are entitled to obtain a copy of your personal data transferred to a third country.

6. Retention period of personal data

Depending on the basis for processing, your personal data will be stored for the period as follows: – the maintenance of the relationship, the validity of the contract/case management or until the withdrawal of consent, and thereafter, for the period and to the extent required by law including data and document archiving, or for the period necessary to secure possible claims – until the expiry of their limitation period, – until the end of the recruitment process – with regard to the personal data of job applicants, – the period specified in legal provisions regarding the retention of personal files and payroll records (at present, this is maximum 50 years – in the case of data used to establish the basis for the calculation of a pension), in other events, until the end of the purpose for which the data were processed, including the period necessary to secure potential claims, – until the expiry of the limitation period – with regard to personal data of former employees and co-workers.

7. Rights

You have the right to request from the Controller:

  • access to the content of your data, pursuant to Article 15 RODO,
  • rectification of your data, pursuant to Article 16 RODO,
  • erasure of data, pursuant to Article 17 RODO,
  • limitation of data processing, pursuant to Article 18 RODO,

as well as:

  • the right to object to the processing of your data, pursuant to Article 21 RODO,
  • the right to data portability, pursuant to Article 20 RODO,

where processing is based on consent:

  • the right to withdraw any consent given at any time without affecting the lawfulness of the processing carried out on the basis of consent before its withdrawal.

Additionally, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority, i.e. the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection in Poland.

8. Provision of personal data

The provision of personal data required by law is mandatory, and otherwise the provision of such data is voluntary, but failure to do so may make it impossible to maintain contact with you and to establish or maintain a relationship/enter into and perform a contract (applies to situations of direct data collection from the data subject).

9. Source of data

(where data is not collected directly from the data subject)

If you have not provided your personal data directly, your personal data have been provided by an entity on whose behalf you are acting or an entity that has provided your personal data as necessary to maintain a relationship with that entity or the Controller’s client in connection with a matter that the Controller is conducting on its behalf.
