Cookies policy | Kancelaria Oleś Rysz Sarkowicz

Cookies policy

This Cookie Policy applies to the website. By using the website, you consent to the use of cookies in accordance with this Cookie Policy. If you do not agree to our use of cookies, you should change your browser settings appropriately or opt out of using the website.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small files that are saved and stored on your computer, tablet, or smartphone while you visit various websites on the Internet. A cookie usually contains the name of the website it comes from, the cookie’s “lifespan” (that is, its lifetime), and a randomly generated unique number used to identify the browser from which the website is connected.

What do we use cookies for? uses cookies for various purposes: to make the website run faster and be easier to use, to collect anonymous, aggregated statistics that allow us to understand how people use our pages and help improve their functionality and content. By using cookies in the manner described above, we never identify the identity of users based on information stored in cookies.

How long is the data stored in cookies?

Two types of cookies can be used on “session” and “permanent”. The former remain on your device only when using our website, while permanent cookies remain on your device as long as they have a set lifetime or until you delete them.

Types of cookies used on

  • Essential for website operation – Necessary for the proper functioning of the website, allowing you to navigate through them and use their elements. For example, they can remember previous activities (e.g., open texts) when returning to the page in the same session.
  • Performance-enhancing – Collecting information on how visitors use the website by providing information on the areas they visit, the time they spend on them, and the problems they encounter, such as error messages. This allows us to improve the functioning of our website.

How can I change cookie settings or delete them?

Most web browsers are initially set to automatically accept cookies. However, you can change your browser settings so that cookies are blocked – in whole or in part, e.g., only from third parties, or to receive a message each time cookies are sent to your device. Remember, however, that if you block the cookies we use, it may adversely affect the convenience of using the website, for example, you may not be able to visit certain areas of the website or not receive personalized information while browsing them. You will also prevent us from collecting anonymous information on the use of our website in order to constantly improve its content.
